Our possible possible worlds

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Gábor Alberti
Mónika Dóla
Eszter Kárpáti
Judit Kleiber
Anita Viszket
Anna Szeteli


After sketching the representationalist roots of ℜeALIS and reviewing the current target system of dynamic pragmatics (Farkas–Roelofsen 2017), we intend to pay a debt concerning the pragmasemantic description of four sentence types. In a previous paper (Alberti et al. 2019b), we proposed a thorough description of the interrogative type; here, we offer a similarly meticulous pragmasemantic characterization of the exclamative and the optative, as well as the imperative and the declarative sentence types. Our ultimate goal with the fine analyses is to contribute to the mapping of the mind-internal possible-world conglomerate which serves as the mental basis for human communicative activity. We also demonstrate how discourse particles bring in new worlds to this mental space. Finally (instead of the previously used addresser perspective), we now take the perspective of the addressee to explore how our “possible possible worlds” grow ever richer due to the perlocutionary operations of the listener.


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How to Cite
Alberti, G. et al. 2021. Our possible possible worlds. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat. 8, 1 (Dec. 2021), 105–145. DOI:https://doi.org/10.14232/JENY.2021.1.6.
Author Biographies

Gábor Alberti, University of Pécs, Department of Linguistics; ℜeALIS Theoretical, Computational and Cognitive Linguistics Research Team

Gábor Alberti (DSc) is a professor at the University of Pécs, where he is head of the Department of Linguistics, and the Theoretical, Computer and Cognitive Linguistics Research Group called ℜeALIS. He specializes in logic based formal pragmasemantic approaches.

Mónika Dóla, University of Pécs, Department of Linguistics; ℜeALIS Theoretical, Computational and Cognitive Linguistics Research Team

Mónika Dóla (PhD) is an assistant professor (senior lecturers) at University of Pécs, Department of Linguistics. Her work concerns functional and constructional approaches.

Eszter Kárpáti, University of Pécs, Department of Linguistics; ℜeALIS Theoretical, Computational and Cognitive Linguistics Research Team

Eszter Kárpáti (dr. habil.) is an associated professor at University of Pécs, Department of Linguistics. Her field of interest is classical pragmatics and text linguistics.

Judit Kleiber, University of Pécs, Department of Linguistics; ℜeALIS Theoretical, Computational and Cognitive Linguistics Research Team

Judit Kleiber (dr. habil.) is an associated professor at University of Pécs, Department of Linguistics. She specializes in logic based formal pragmasemantic approaches.

Anita Viszket, University of Pécs, Department of Linguistics; ℜeALIS Theoretical, Computational and Cognitive Linguistics Research Team

Anita Viszket (PhD) is an assistant professor (senior lecturers) at University of Pécs, Department of Linguistics. She is responsible for research into pragmatic deficits.

Anna Szeteli, University of Pécs, Department of Linguistics; ℜeALIS Theoretical, Computational and Cognitive Linguistics Research Team

Anna Szeteli is a German-biology major in the undergraduate programme at the same institution, and also a prize winner at the National Scientific Students' Associations Conference, in pragmatics, and a winner of the Pro Scientia Prize in 2021.


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