Discourse marker hát as a semaphore

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Anna Szeteli
Ákos Gocsál
Gábor Alberti


We could point out pairwise significant differences in the prosodic characteristics of five functions of hát, the most frequent discourse marker in Hungarian which is also extremely multifunctional (e.g. Schirm 2007-2008). There is no conflict between our results and the results of Dér and Markó (2017): the functions whose different prosodic characters they examined are (essentially) distinct turn positions (turn-initial, turn-medial, turn-final ones). We have examined five different (but uniformly) turn-initial positions, of which four are also sentence-initial. Their difference lies with the „semaphore effect” attributed to certain discourse markers by Alberti (2016): they basically signal how easy/difficult it will be for the listener to digest the message. The prosodic characteristics of the following five hát-functions have proved to be significantly different, at least in one parameter: 1. straightforward answer, 2. uncertain answer, 3. answer which the speaker considers uneasy or embarrassing, 4. teasing/badinage (two different versions), 5. confirmation, sentence-finally.


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How to Cite
Szeteli, A. et al. 2019. Discourse marker hát as a semaphore. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat. 6, 1 (Aug. 2019), 33–63. DOI:https://doi.org/10.14232/JENY.2019.1.2.
Author Biographies

Anna Szeteli, University of Pécs, Department of Linguistics

Anna Szeteli is a student at the University of Pécs, who has won the Second Prize at the National Conference of Scientific Students' Associations with her paper on pragmasemantics. She took part at several international conferences as the member of the Research Team ReALIS for Theoretical, Computational and Cognitive Linguistics. She became interested in pragmatics, semantics and cognitive linguistics as a biology student curious about behavioral biology and neurobiology.

Ákos Gocsál, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Institute of Linguistics

Ákos Gocsál (PhD) is an Assistant Professor at the University of Pécs, and the Deputy Director of Institute of Music, Faculty of Music and Visual Arts. Furthermore, he is a research fellow at the Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. His main field of research is speaker specific features in the acoustics of speech, and he takes part in building the Hungarian spontaneous speech database BEA. He is also engaged to investigate and teach pedagogy, especially multimedia in teaching.

Gábor Alberti, University of Pécs, Department of Linguistics

Gábor Alberti (DSc) is a Professor of linguistics at the University of Pécs, where he heads the Department of Linguistics, the Linguistics Doctoral School, and the Research Team ReALIS for Theoretical, Computational and Cognitive Linguistics. In addition to formal, lexical and discourse semantics research, he also takes part in the generative syntactic description of the Hungarian language, currently as a senior member of the OTKA project Comprehensive Grammar Resources: Hungarian.


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