Descriptive Analysis of Physiotherapists’ Opening Questions

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Anna Udvardi


The present study focuses on physiotherapists’ (PT) opening questions (OpQ), whose role is to explore patients’ current problems. Based on audio recordings collected by the author, the study analyses 76 OpQs that were uttered by physiotherapists during their first encounters with patients. The descriptive analysis yielded 4 categories of OpQs, furthermore, 6 additional linguistic features were examined in each of the OpQs. Summarizing the results of the analysis raises the possibility that the characteristics of PTs’ OpQs evoke a formal-institutional context, which may in turn influence or constrain patients’ response patterns.


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How to Cite
Udvardi, A. 2023. Descriptive Analysis of Physiotherapists’ Opening Questions. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat. 10, 1 (May 2023), 1–26. DOI:
Author Biography

Anna Udvardi, University of Szeged, Doctoral School in Linguistics

Anna Udvardi received her PhD title in the Theoretical Linguistics Program of the Doctoral School in Linguistics, University of Szeged. Furthermore, she is working as a self-employed physiotherapist in private care.


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