A corpus-based research into conventionally indirect requests with tud ’can/know’ in Hungarian Magyar közvetett kérések vizsgálata korpuszpragmatikai megközelítésben

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Katalin Nagy C.


Over the last few decades, the use of corpus data has become a basic principle of disciplines of language use, which led to the birth of corpus pragmatics (Jucker 2013; Aijmer–Rühlemann 2015; Rühlemann–Aijmer 2015). Although traditional pragmatics research methods are still indispensable in research into implicit pragmatic phenomena, their combination with corpus method has proved to be fruitful. The present paper provides a case study on some structures with the Hungarian verb tud ’can/know’ that are conventionally used to perform indirect requests, and it discusses some related methodological issues as well. Relying on the analysis of occurrences in the Hungarian Gigaword Corpus, it reveals Hungarian requests strategies that have not been discussed in earlier literature based on other data sources. In addition to typical interrogative and infinitival forms mentioned in previous studies, the present paper discusses additional – non-interrogative and non-infinitival – varieties of directive structures with tud ’can/know’ in Hungarian.


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How to Cite
Nagy, C.K. 2022. A corpus-based research into conventionally indirect requests with tud ’can/know’ in Hungarian: Magyar közvetett kérések vizsgálata korpuszpragmatikai megközelítésben. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat. 9, 1 (Apr. 2022), 15–42. DOI:https://doi.org/10.14232/JENY.2022.1.2.
Author Biography

Katalin Nagy C., MTA–DE–SZTE Research Group for Theoretical Linguistics

Katalin Nagy C. currently works for the Research Group for Theoretical Linguistics of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network at the Universities of Debrecen and Szeged. She has been working in the field of historical pragmatics since her PhD in 2013, her research focuses on semantic change in grammaticalization, diachronic speech act analysis, historical politeness research and the methodology of historical pragmatics. Her topics of interest include the grammaticalization of the Catalan GO-past, politeness in medieval Catalan and Spanish, and the role and notions of context in historical pragmatics.


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