The manuscripts submitted to the journal are first reviewed by the editors, who evaluate whether they fit into the profile of the journal.

Then the manuscripts go through a double-blind review process involving two independent reviewers. Throughout the review process both the reviewers and author identities are concealed from each other.

The editors send the reviewers’ opinions anonymously back to the corresponding author in each case.

According to the reviewers’ opinions, the editors can make the following decisions.

  • Accept without any changes
  • Accept with changes outlined in review
  • Rejection

If the reviewers recommend changes, the author has to modify the manuscript in order to be published. Until the editors declare the manuscript acceptable, it remains in the review phase. Beyond the reviewers’ opinions, the editors may ask for further modifications from the author.

When the manuscript is appropriate for publishing, it gets into the preparation and proofreading phase. After technical editing the authors receive the papers for a final overview, and can inform the editors of any further errors.

Throughout the review and editing process the editors keep in touch with the authors through email.