Is humour relevant to relevance theory?

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Attila László Nemesi


The paper focuses on how humorous phenomena, purely verbal or multimodal, can be handled within relevance theory (RT). Given that RT is a cognitive-pragmatic framework developed to account not for humour but for communication as a relevance-driven comprehension process, it needs to be clarified whether or not its principles and key notions capture the essence of humour. An advantage of RT is that it takes a dynamic view of context and places inferences, which are so characteristic of humorous discourses, at the centre of its inquiry. However, there is reason to doubt that the Communicative Principle of Relevance, in itself, is able to explain the overall costs and benefits of understanding humorous utterances. At the surface level, humour tends to break and playfully exploit the relevance-guided comprehension heuristic, while, at another level, seems to be relevant enough to be worth processing. As opposed to humour, irony has attracted particular attention from the beginnings of RT, so this chapter of the theory is also scrutinised. The illustrative examples are drawn from various genres and text types.


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How to Cite
Nemesi, A.L. 2019. Is humour relevant to relevance theory?. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat. 6, 1 (Feb. 2019), 1–31. DOI:
Author Biography

Attila László Nemesi, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Department of Hungarian Linguistics

Attila László Nemesi is Associate Professor at the Department of Hungarian Linguistics, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary. His specific areas of research are figurative language (tropes, figures of thought) and humour from the perspective of pragmatics, but his research interests include, more broadly, the borderline issues of pragmatics, rhetoric, semiotics and social psychology (e.g. politeness, impression management, verbal and visual influence).


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