About the Journal
Although there exist high-quality journals in the field of semantics and pragmatics in the world, and there are researchers dealing with semantics or pragmatics in Hungary, so far there has not been a journal devoted specifically to semantics/pragmatics in Hungarian. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat [Meaning and Language Use] has been established to fill this gap in Hungarian linguistics research. This electronic journal has been launched with two substantial aims. First, to provide opportunity for linguists and interested non-linguists in Hungary and beyond its borders to read scientific articles in these fields in Hungarian. Second, to create an opportunity for experts working more or less isolated from one another in various universities throughout the country to publish their articles in a specialised journal in Hungarian, in which publications have to meet the standards of international semantics and pragmatics research. The journal, as well as the Hungarian Research Centre for Pragmatics aimed at integrating Hungarian semantics and pragmatics research, is expected to make possible for researchers working in these fields in Hungary and across the borders to get to know each other’s ideas better, and to be provided in this way with wider opportunities for scientific cooperation. This Hungarian journal can facilitate the expansion of cooperation even on the international level, since through it short information in English on the researchers and their publications is fed into international databases as well. This is guaranteed by the assistance of the excellent librarians of the University of Szeged. The scientific quality of the journal is ensured by a strict review process: the editors have every manuscript submitted to the journal reviewed by two experts, and only the contributions declared acceptable by the reviewers, or revised according to the reviewers’ opinions are published in the journal.