Diachronic speech act analysis On some constructions with the verb plaure ‘please’ in medieval Catalan

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Katalin Nagy C.


The primary aim of this paper is to reveal uses of medieval Catalan constructions with subjunctive forms of the verb plaure ‘please’. Relying on a large corpus of historical texts from the 13th to 16th centuries, I argue that they are highly conventionalized forms of formulating directives requesting permission, and later, indirect directives. This finding contradicts Searle’s (1975) generalization about possible ways of performing indirect directives. In a group of occurrences the speech act was addressed to God, to win his approval. I show that this construction ((no) plàcia/plagués a Déu ‘may it (not) please God’) became a conventionalized phrase with a special role in interpersonal interactions, followed a peculiar path of semantic change and underwent subjectification. Another aim of the paper is to discuss some methodological issues of diachronic speech act analysis and to argue for the importance of qualitative methods and a highly comparative approach. Speech act verbs in themselves do not entirely reveal the illocutionary force and function of utterances. In order to analyze historical utterances, we should take into account a lot of additional information, e.g. several contextual factors, such as social roles of speakers and addressees, the content and “weight” of the request, encyclopedic information, the structure of the interaction and the place and role of the construction in it. Moreover, I argue that all forms appropriate to perform speech acts of the same illocutionary type in a given language stage should be examined together, comparing neighboring speech acts in a pragmatic space.


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How to Cite
Nagy C., K. 2018. Diachronic speech act analysis: On some constructions with the verb plaure ‘please’ in medieval Catalan. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat. 5, 1 (Dec. 2018), 215–242. DOI:https://doi.org/10.14232/JENY.2018.1.9.
Author Biography

Katalin Nagy C., MTA-DE-SZTE Research Group for Theoretical Linguistics; University of Szeged, General Linguistics Department

Katalin Nagy C. currently works for the Research Group for Theoretical Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences at the Universities of Debrecen and Szeged. She has been working in the field of historical pragmatics since her PhD in 2013, her research focuses on semantic change in grammaticalization, diachronic speech act analysis, and the methodology of historical pragmatics. Her topics of interest include the grammaticalization of the Catalan GO-past, politeness in medieval Catalan, and the role and notions of context in historical pragmatics.


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